The National Climate Assessment shows us that climate change is already happening, primarily due to human-caused global warming. This means that we have the power to change our world, to reduce carbon emissions, and to lessen global warming. We can
Getting a Clue about Climate Change
Climate change is happening. Despite the efforts of think tanks funded by the fossil fuel industry to debunk climate science, there is clear scientific consensus that the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused primarily by human activities
This End is a new Beginning
As darkness becomes dawn, the longest night gives way to longer days in the return of the light. According to the ancient Mayan calendar and other prophecies, the 2012 winter solstice marks a transition, the end of a cycle, a
Hurricane Sandy speaks
Hurricane Sandy speaks to us as Earth– as wind, rain, and surging ocean. Superstorm Sandy warns us that more global warming means more disasters. Will we listen? Hurricane Sandy was nicknamed the “Frankenstorm” for being a strange mixture of natural
Want to change the world?
We’ve just returned from our annual pilgrimage to BurningMan where we gave away over 1100 Cleus to dusty pilgrims who used only word-of-mouth or the Cleu labyrinth to find their way to Cleu camp, located way out on the edge
Happy Cleu Year!
Congratulations on making 2011 one of the most inspiring years ever, and now get ready for 2012! You’ve made it this far on the strength of your convictions, your willingness to show up, and the power of creative memes spreading