Here’s where you’ll find clues to understanding the Cleu Values. Use the links at the bottom of this post (or any post) to narrow your focus.
The Big Four Values
As your Cleu circle evolves, begin to focus on the Big Four values: Air, Water, Food, Energy. These are basic survival needs that must be met in order for there to be harmony among people.
Be the clue to each other
Make the Cleu vision and values a part of your life. You can do this on your own, but forming a Cleu circle with a few others will give you a greater sense of spiritual community. Use the human rites
Circle up & grow your spirit
Your spirit is the result of your choices. When you connect with others on the level of vision and values, your spirit grows bigger because your choices touch more people. When you come together in a circle with a common
What is the Cleu?
The Cleu represents our spiritual community, its intertwining circles a unifying symbol of our vision and values. Many people find the Cleu through word-of-mouth, have friends tell them to Get a Cleu, or may be given a Cleu pendant as
Come together to be the clue
In this era of fake news, mass migration, political instability, and climate crisis, people need a clue more than ever. As a country, we face threats to democracy, freedom, and the environment. People are taking to the streets and fields
The whole world gets a clue
After historic negotiations held by the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Paris, all 196 countries in the world have agreed to the first climate deal that commits all countries to