The Conscious Life Ecumenical Union, Inc. (CLEU), an Oregon nonprofit religious corporation, was founded in early 2004 and obtained federal 501c3 status in 2016. Donations to the CLEU are considered tax-exempt. Let us know if you need a receipt for your records.
The Cleu Story
The Cleu symbol did not fall from the sky nor was it found under a rock or in a burning bush. In 1999, it just so happens that Gian was down in the basement, doodling, and he came up with these beautifully interlocking circles as a symbol of what he and Emma had been talking about for months. The synchronicities were strong that day. The circles in the Cleu he drew were an expression of the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical pattern considered the golden ratio: 1 – 2 – 3 – 5. If you ever have a chance to walk the Cleu labyrinth, you will feel the harmony of the circles. You can even make a Cleu labyrinth of your own in sand or snow. Follow the paths of the miracles and feel the flow!
You see, Gian and Emma were trying to find the truth of why we are all One. Emma was coming at it from the perspective of Indigenous traditions that she called “human rites.” Music, art, dance, drum, song, story, and circle are traditional ways to celebrate the communal bonds that form group identity and to strengthen the resilience of people all over the world. Gian, on the other hand, was deep diving into the mystic traditions that represent the best expression of different religions. The mystical perspective transcends the usual separations and divisions of duality, reminding us that everything is One. Gian connected this mystic realization to the work of scientists who prove, through multiple lines of evidence, that we are one human species, and that all Life is connected. In the 21st century, science aligns quite well with the idea of Oneness.
The Cleu symbol, Cleu pendant, and the Cleu Book came from this quest for something that we could all believe in, something that reveals the truth of our oneness: Whether you consider yourself to be Earth-centered, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, pantheist, atheist, scientist, or hold another perspective entirely, you are Consciousness, Life, Earth, Universe. You are the Cleu. Celebrate your miraculous Existence! Seek the harmony of At-Onement. Claim your spiritual identity so that you can find and develop your spiritual community. That’s what the Conscious Life Ecumenical Union (CLEU) is all about.
The People behind the CLEU

Gian Anello, Head Guide
Gian (pronounced “john”) has been the force behind the scenes from the very beginning. As a founding member of the Conscious Life Ecumenical Union and the Conscious Life Community Church, he hosted our weekly gatherings, and organized drummers and poets for Circus Numen, our first community outreach. Legend has it that late one night, he was doodling at his workbench down in the basement and the Cleu symbol just appeared on the bench before him. As the “the force,” Gian has been solely responsible for the development of our websites, and instrumental in defining and refining our vision, mission, values, and challenges. For years reluctant to be associated with any organized religion, he now dreams of founding the last great religion, where beliefs are replaced by values, and the service consists of sharing food followed by a high tech celebration of human rites. Currently, he spends most of his time managing or working on our website, playing music, or twisting copper wire into Cleus.

Emma Cornell, Head Scout
Emma is a founding member of the Conscious Life Ecumenical Union and the Conscious Life Community Church, choreographer, musician, props and games organizer for the original Circus Numen in Nevada City, CA. Emma, also known as the Cleu lady, is the impetus and energy behind every form of outreach we have undertaken, handing out Cleu pendants and inviting everyone to celebrate their human rites. “Dr.Em” has a Ph.D. in English, teaching online, and in her spare time, strategizing ways of hastening the next paradigm and discussing mystic philosophy with Gian. She writes and edits for our website, strings Cleus, and plays drums and bass. Emma invites everyone to celebrate their spiritual identity and develop their community by creating a Cleu circle to celebrate human rites and explore spiritual practices together. Be the Cleu!
Ernest Brown, QuarterMaster and Magician
Ernest has been a member and contributor to the Conscious Life Ecumenical Union and the Conscious Life Community Church for almost a decade. He saw the universal acceptance to the ideas that the CLEU represented to all that it has been presented to and realized the power of the CLEU can have in everyone’s life. His main contributions to the organization is the support of sharing the CLEU at various events and providing a “brainwashing” space called the StarMan Dome at some events. With expertise in computer science, Ernest has been also providing tools for the organization and for promoting the CLEU. Ernest is accomplished in music and the theater arts as well, giving those skills to the group when needed. Expect to see him in a circle near you as more get CLEUed in.

Yoko Silk, Board Member, “Yokita”
Yoko Silk has been on the Board of Directors since 2013, but has been promoting Cleu values for many years before that. She has helped to organize multiple CLEU community events, and focuses her outreach on younger generations. Spending most of her working hours connecting teens and adults to nature, Yoko sees a direct connection between a spiritual awareness and a connection to the Earth, and believes that the CLEU values are fundamental to helping create the positive change we want to see in the world. A passionate social justice advocate, Yoko hopes that the CLEU will help create and strengthen resilient vibrant communities, and a more unified world.

David Mustelier, Treasurer, “el Presidente”
David has been involved with CLEU since its earliest days. A pragmatic engineer he brings the desire to join people into supportive communities. Having worked with NASA on numerous programs to promote the exploration of the cosmos he understands that our reach is magnified when we work together.