The spirit of the individual, as well as that of the family, the community, and the world, is manifest in the effects of the choices we make as conscious beings. Only we can choose. The first and ultimate choice is one of vision– to see Existence as either “good” or “bad.” We choose, whether consciously or unconsciously. If we see Existence in all its manifestations as good, then it is logical that we choose to act on its behalf, in support of our planet and all Life on it. If on the other hand, we see Existence as bad, it’s little wonder that we have no qualms about about exploiting, abusing, disrupting, or eventually destroying anything and everything. We all have the opportunity in every moment to make a new choice, to show that Existence is worth it, to act as if we have a clue.
Those of us who see Existence as good, even with all its ups and downs, choose actions that promote and support it, all Life, and especially conscious Life. To manifest good spirit, we take less, use less, and alter less, practicing voluntary simplicity and rejecting conspicuous consumption. We promote and practice harmony, understanding, and above all, love. We choose to love one another, our planet, and all Life on it. When choosing our livelihood, which food to eat, which mode of transportation to use, or where to get our Energy, we make every choice a droplet that sends waves of good spirit across the ocean of our world.
We are mystical, miraculous, rhythmic beings whose choices will determine our future as well as that of our planet, the Earth. May your choices reflect the spirit of At-Onement. Stand up for your spiritual values. Be the Cleu!