Your spirit is the result of your choices. When you connect with others on the level of vision and values, your spirit grows bigger because your choices touch more people. When you come together in a circle with a common
Happy Cleu Year!
Congratulations on making 2011 one of the most inspiring years ever, and now get ready for 2012! You’ve made it this far on the strength of your convictions, your willingness to show up, and the power of creative memes spreading
The circle is how we roll
To develop Cleu community where you live, meet in circle once a week. Study the Cleu book. Read Christina Baldwin’s Calling the Circle, and download useful guides to the circle from Peer Spirit Circling. Take the time to meet face-to-face.
Enlightenment– a gift from the Goddess?
The latest issue of What is Enlightenment explores cultural, philosophical, and spiritual views of what is enlightenment for women. In a collection of excerpts from 24 women answering the question, “What is liberation to women today?” I found these inspiring