Now it’s up to us! Imagine circles connected to other circles, all over the country, creating links like chainmail, making us strong, resilient, and flexible, preparing us for the challenges we will face in the coming decades. We are the clue to a better future. A movement for change has come to life. We’ve got a long way to go, but through the power of the circle, we will get there together. The CLEU is here to help you find each other– are you ready to catch the wave?
Change has come to America, and we are ready for a new day! All across the country and around the world, people are crying and laughing and imagining a positive future. Thanks to the efforts of so many of you, we’ve elected an intelligent, thoughtful man who believes in science, listens to his opponents, and believes in the promise of the American dream of freedom, equality, and opportunity. The world is singing and dancing a love song to that dream, brought back to life in the multicultural story of the first black president of the United States of America. Changealuiah! Now all things are possible. The world is with us.