For Burningman 2011, we celebrate Rites of Passage, those magical transitions and transformations from one state of being to another. When you go through a rite of passage, you enter into sacred, liminal space where you can be reborn. Going on pilgrimage to Black Rock City is a true rite of passage, changing us inside and out as we create a city out of our collective imagination. Living together for a week gives us time to enjoy family, friends, and the ‘hood.

Get a Cleu or a Cleu tattoo, and get brainwashed in the airy space of Starman dome. Make your own dusty pilgrimage to Cleu camp at 3:45 & Liminal.

Thru the Cleu Labyrinth will be located at 10:45 & 2500′ out near the Temple. Walking the intertwining paths of the Universe, Earth, Life, and Consciousness gives you a way to experience change on a higher level.

If you won’t be on the playa this year, take time to find your own rite of passage by setting an intention and entering into liminal space to find a transformed sense of who you are, where you come from, and where you are headed. Sacred space is all around you. Be the clue.

Thru the Cleu